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Home Learning

Home learning is designed to take place at home and is additional to class teaching. It is used as follow up to or preparation for class learning. Home Learning is separate to Remote Learning which is used when face to face teaching is unable to happen. We believe that a carefully balanced home learning programme is beneficial for our children for the following reasons:

  • To give parents opportunities to be directly involved in their child’s learning
  • To reinforce the partnership between home and school
  • To consolidate skills learnt in school and give opportunities to extend learning

Home learning is most effective and productive when done in a supportive, secure environment when time is set aside. We have found that children who are helped with their home learning, particularly their reading, make much better progress.  At our school children are encouraged to do their home learning: the class teacher will follow up with the parents those children who are not completing home learning tasks/bringing their home contact books back regularly. If extra resources or time are needed then these can easily be made available in school.

Our approach to home learning varies throughout the school, according to the age of the child and what they are learning. The one thing that remains constant however is the fact that it can only benefit the child if they are supported.

Please click on the document below to view our Home Learning Policy.