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At John Ray Infant School, children are admitted at the beginning of the Autumn term.

We have a phased transition over the first two weeks so that all children can be given sufficient support and attention to settle in gradually.

Our Foundation Stage provision will take account of the fact that our children with Spring and Summer birthdays are still very young.  If the school feels that the child is not developmentally ready to start full time then a phased programme can be established.

Admissions Procedure

Each school has a published “number intended to admit” and we are obliged to accept children up to our physical capacity.  This has been set at 90 pupils in the Reception year.  Should our applications exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:

  1. Looked After Children
  2. Children with a sibling attending the school or John Ray Juniors.
  3. Children living in the priority area
  4. Remaining applications

The number admitted each year is 90.

Application for Places

In the year prior to your child starting school, you will not receive a notification you will need to go online School Admissions You can apply for a Primary (Reception) School place at an Essex Primary School between 4th November 2024 to 15th January 2025. 

Telephone Number: 0845 603 2200


The Local Authority will inform parents/carers of their places at a school in April via email.

Mid-Year Admissions

Apply for an infant school mid-year  

Please contact the school directly if you are looking to transfer your child Mid-Year from another school. 

Offers for infant school places

You will receive a letter within 2 to 3 weeks of your application. In some cases, it may take longer.